It’s great news! We as a church can meet again in our building. There are a few rules that will need to be followed.
If any of these applies to you, please refrain from physically attending.
1: You have travelled outside of Canada, or have been in close contact with someone who is confirmed in having COVID-19.
2. You are having symptoms of COVID-19 (We recommend going to a test assessment centre).
3. Feeling sick, drowsy, chest pain, chills, headache, stuffy nose. Please stay home and watch via livestream.
4. Kids the age of 2-8 are encouraged to stay home with their parents (bringing your kids are under your discretion and the parents must keep their kids with them at ALL times. We encourage each household to make a choice to come either to the morning or evening service.
5. If you are planning to come to church and one of your family members are sick, do NOT come for the service. The health and safety of others are our top priority.
We continue to follow government standards and common sense rules to keep everyone safe.
How we are keeping you safe:
Upon your arrival, you will be screened (temperature check), You are required to come 30 minutes before service times so we can get you and others checked and into the building on time for our service.
Please bring your own water and tissues, we will not be providing these. You are encouraged to bring your own mask, if you do not have a mask, we will supply it for you.
We would love to see you once again and worship God with you. As the Ontario government relieved the restrictions we have stopped livestreaming.
We cannot wait to meet with you once again.
Potter’s House Scarborough